Feb 18, TUE
Educacion publica, charter, privada, o en el hogar: Elegir la mejor opción educativa para su hijo (Zoom)
Todos queremos que nuestros hijos reciban la mejor…
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Para información de contacto de educación especial del Distrito Escolar, haga clic aquí.
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Information in Special Kids Connect’s Resource Directory is provided in good faith, however Special Kids Connect makes no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of any information, including links to websites and emails, provided in this Resource Directory and elsewhere on www.specialkidsconnect.org. Special Kids Connect does not endorse any of the resources listed or linked to in this Resource Directory or on www.specialkidsconnect.org.
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Todos queremos que nuestros hijos reciban la mejor…
We all want our children to receive the best education…
Join Moms and those who share the Mom role for a morning…