Mar 28, FRI
Moms' Morning Out / Una Manana para Mamas (Monterey)
Join Moms and those who share the Mom role for a morning…
Medi-Cal Is a state health insurance program for low-income families, seniors, and adults with disabilities. The Medi-Cal program pays for medical, dental and prescription medicine for eligible recipients. Once eligibility is established by the Monterey County Department of Social Services, a representative from the Central Coast Alliance for Health, Monterey County's managed health care plan, provides eligible recipients with assistance accessing physicians and covered medical services and providers.
Children with disabilities between the ages of 3 and 18 years old who are clients of a regional center, such as the San Andreas Regional Center (SARC), may be eligible for full-scope Medi-Cal -- regardless of their parents' income -- through a program called Institutional Deeming. Scroll down for more information on this program.
You can apply for Medi-Cal at any time of the year by phone, in-person, or online.
To apply by phone, call 1-877-410-8823
To apply by fax, dial 831-784-5691
To apply in person, visit one of the Monterey County Department of Social Services Community Benefits Branch offices:
To apply online, visit BenefitsCal allows you to explore and apply for a number of public assistance benefits, including CalFresh, Medi-Cal, County Medical Services Program (CMSP), CalWORKs, General Assistance/Relief (GA/GR), and the Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants (CAPI).
Here is a short video explaining the online application process:
The term "Institutional Deeming" refers to Medi-Cal's evaluation of a child's eligibility as if he/she lived in an institution and not with his/her parents. Through Institutional Deeming, even if your family's income is too high to qualify for full-scope Medi-Cal, your regional center-served child may qualify -- even if your child is covered under private health insurance! Having full-scope Medi-Cal can be extremely valuable because it opens doors for other services, such as IHSS (In-Home Supportive Services) which requires full-scope Medi-Cal as part of its eligibility.
Steps for Institutional Deeming:
Talk to your child's regional center service coordinator to determine his/her eligibility for Institutional Deeming.
Medi-Cal beneficiaries in Monterey County receive their health care through a single "County Organized Health System" (COHS), Central California Alliance for Health (CCAH), also known simply as the Alliance. Medi-Cal beneficiaries must select a family doctor through CCAH, known as a Primary Care Physician (PCP). If you do not select a doctor, CCAH will assign one automatically. While most medical services require referrals from your Primary Care Physician, you can see a complete list of Medi-Cal approved providers here.
If you need help getting to your doctor’s appointments or picking up prescriptions, call Central California Alliance for Health's Member Services at 800-700-3874, ext. 5577 (TTY: Dial 711), Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., at least 5 business days before your appointment. (Note: This is one calendar week in advance, assuming there are no holidays in that week.) Your doctor may also prescribe the correct type of transportation and have it approved by the Alliance.
In general, a referral from your Primary Care Physician is not required for these services. But, always check with CCAH to make sure your plan covers your needs.
Medi-Cal Dental services are managed by the state. To find a dentist near you, call the Medi-Cal Dental Program at 800-322-6384 (TTY 800-735-2922) or visit the Medi-Cal Dental website.
CCAH's Medi-Cal vision plan covers an eye exam and glasses every 2 years but exams and glasses must be provided through a contracted Vision Service Plan (VSP) provider. To find an Alliance-approved vision provider nearby, call (800) 877-7195 or search online at (To search for Alliance providers, selected "Medicaid" under "Doctor Network.")
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