Feb 18, TUE
Educacion publica, charter, privada, o en el hogar: Elegir la mejor opción educativa para su hijo (Zoom)
Todos queremos que nuestros hijos reciban la mejor…
For more information on these and other offerings through Special Kids Connect, call (831) 372-2730.
To download a referral form, click here.
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Early Start Family Resource Center
Special Kids Connect's Early Start Family Resource Center offers guidance to parents of children, ages birth to 3 years, who have, or suspect they have, developmental delays. With Monterey and Salinas locations, an experienced and caring Family Resource Specialist, and a resource library rich with educational materials, the Family Resource Center provides bilingual (English/Spanish) support to families and caregivers when they need it most. Download an SKC referral form here.
Therapy tools, adaptive equipment, puzzles, games, toys and more are all a part of STAR Toy Library's vast inventory. Open five days a week, the library offers FREE memberships to local families. (Having a child with a diagnosis is not required!) Professional memberships are available for a nominal annual fee.
To see what's in inventory, click here.
REACH Community Programs
Special Kids Connect’s REACH Programs make it possible for children with a wide range of disabilities to participate in activities that nurture their interests and talents in new and exciting ways. With annual offerings in a variety of sports, such as basketball and bowling, as well as offerings in the arts, REACH gives children the opportunity to participate at their own level and at their own pace while developing gross motor skills, enhancing cognitive abilities and socializing with peers and adults in nurturing, supportive environments.
Equally important is the way REACH programs break down barriers between children who have special needs and their typically developing peers. REACH gives children of all abilities the chance to interact, have fun, and learn that, regardless of anyone's unique and special needs, we are all more alike than different!
Support for the Latino Community
Special Kids Connect is partnering with the San Andreas Regional Center in a mentoring program that provides one-to-one support to families who qualify (or might qualify) for regional center services. Through a contract with the San Andreas Regional Center, funded by the California Department of Developmental Services (DDS), Special Kids Connect and the San Andreas Regional Center seek to ensure that all Monterey County, regional center-eligile individuals, regardless of age, culture, geographic location or primary language, receive equal access to beneficial services. Our team of bilingual (Spanish/English) Outreach Advocates (pictured, at left) work with not only Spanish-speaking families, but are also able to call on indigenous-language translation support to foster communication with families in South Monterey County who speak Triqui Bajo and Mixtec languages.
Family Connections
Raising a child with a special need can be isolating for every member of the family - parents, grandparents and siblings. You are not alone! Special Kids Connect offers family connections in a number of ways.
First, Special Kids Connect can offer parent-to-parent support for parents who are seeking guidance from someone who has traveled the road they are on and is willing to be a friend and mentor.
Second, Special Kids Connect actively supports and is a participant in a number of parent support groups in Monterey, Salinas, Soledad and Greenfield.
Third, Special Kids Connect's targeted workshops, REACH programs, Facebook page and more provide opportunities for organic connections to develop - either in person or through social media.
Information, Education & Empowerment
Through its website, parent e-newsletters, Facebook postings and various workshops, Special Kids Connect's goal is to empower families with knowledge and tools they can use to become effective caregivers, supporters and advocates for their own children.
Working together, we are
Helping Special Kids Reach for the Stars!
Todos queremos que nuestros hijos reciban la mejor…
We all want our children to receive the best education…
Join Moms and those who share the Mom role for a morning…